Module std::vector
A variable-sized container that can hold any type. Indexing is 0-based, and vectors are growable. This module has many native functions.
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
The index into the vector is out of bounds
const EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: u64 = 131072;
Function empty
Create an empty vector.
public fun empty<Element>(): vector<Element>
Function length
Return the length of the vector.
public fun length<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): u64
Function borrow
Acquire an immutable reference to the ith element of the vector v. Aborts if i is out of bounds.
public fun borrow<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, i: u64): &Element
Function push_back
Add element e to the end of the vector v.
public fun push_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element)
Function borrow_mut
Return a mutable reference to the ith element in the vector v. Aborts if i is out of bounds.
public fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element
public native fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element;
Function pop_back
Pop an element from the end of vector v. Aborts if v is empty.
public fun pop_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>): Element
Function destroy_empty
Destroy the vector v. Aborts if v is not empty.
public fun destroy_empty<Element>(v: vector<Element>)
public native fun destroy_empty<Element>(v: vector<Element>);
Function swap
Swaps the elements at the ith and jth indices in the vector v. Aborts if i or j is out of bounds.
public fun swap<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64, j: u64)
Function singleton
Return an vector of size one containing element e.
public fun singleton<Element>(e: Element): vector<Element>
Function reverse
Reverses the order of the elements in the vector v in place.
public fun reverse<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>)
Function append
Pushes all of the elements of the other vector into the lhs vector.
public fun append<Element>(lhs: &mut vector<Element>, other: vector<Element>)
Function is_empty
Return true if the vector v has no elements and false otherwise.
public fun is_empty<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): bool
Function contains
Return true if e is in the vector v. Otherwise, returns false.
public fun contains<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): bool
Function index_of
Return (true, i) if e is in the vector v at index i. Otherwise, returns (false, 0).
public fun index_of<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): (bool, u64)
Function remove
Remove the ith element of the vector v, shifting all subsequent elements. This is O(n) and preserves ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i is out of bounds.
public fun remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element
Function insert
Insert e at position i in the vector v. If i is in bounds, this shifts the old v[i] and all subsequent elements to the right. If i == v.length(), this adds e to the end of the vector. This is O(n) and preserves ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i > v.length()
public fun insert<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element, i: u64)
Function swap_remove
Swap the ith element of the vector v with the last element and then pop the vector. This is O(1), but does not preserve ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i is out of bounds.
public fun swap_remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element
public fun swap_remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element {
assert!(v.length() != 0, EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS);
let last_idx = v.length() - 1;
v.swap(i, last_idx);
Macro function tabulate
Create a vector of length n by calling the function f on each index.
public macro fun tabulate<$T>($n: u64, $f: |u64| -> $T): vector<$T>
Macro function destroy
Destroy the vector v by calling f on each element and then destroying the vector. Does not preserve the order of elements in the vector (starts from the end of the vector).
public macro fun destroy<$T>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T| -> ())
public macro fun destroy<$T>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T|) {
let mut v = $v;
while (v.length() != 0) $f(v.pop_back());
Macro function do
Destroy the vector v by calling f on each element and then destroying the vector. Preserves the order of elements in the vector.
public macro fun do<$T>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T| -> ())
Macro function do_ref
Perform an action f on each element of the vector v. The vector is not modified.
public macro fun do_ref<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> ())
Macro function do_mut
Perform an action f on each element of the vector v. The function f takes a mutable reference to the element.
public macro fun do_mut<$T>($v: &mut vector<$T>, $f: |&mut $T| -> ())
Macro function map
Map the vector v to a new vector by applying the function f to each element. Preserves the order of elements in the vector, first is called first.
public macro fun map<$T, $U>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T| -> $U): vector<$U>
Macro function map_ref
Map the vector v to a new vector by applying the function f to each element. Preserves the order of elements in the vector, first is called first.
public macro fun map_ref<$T, $U>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> $U): vector<$U>
Macro function filter
Filter the vector v by applying the function f to each element. Return a new vector containing only the elements for which f returns true.
public macro fun filter<$T: drop>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): vector<$T>
Macro function partition
Split the vector v into two vectors by applying the function f to each element. Return a tuple containing two vectors: the first containing the elements for which f returns true, and the second containing the elements for which f returns false.
public macro fun partition<$T>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): (vector<$T>, vector<$T>)
Macro function find_index
Finds the index of first element in the vector v that satisfies the predicate f. Returns some(index) if such an element is found, otherwise none().
public macro fun find_index<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): std::option::Option<u64>
public macro fun find_index<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): Option<u64> {
let v = $v;
'find_index: {
v.length().do!(|i| if ($f(&v[i])) return 'find_index option::some(i));
Macro function count
Count how many elements in the vector v satisfy the predicate f.
public macro fun count<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): u64
Macro function fold
Reduce the vector v to a single value by applying the function f to each element. Similar to fold_left in Rust and reduce in Python and JavaScript.
public macro fun fold<$T, $Acc>($v: vector<$T>, $init: $Acc, $f: |$Acc, $T| -> $Acc): $Acc
Function flatten
Concatenate the vectors of v into a single vector, keeping the order of the elements.
public fun flatten<T>(v: vector<vector<T>>): vector<T>
Macro function any
Whether any element in the vector v satisfies the predicate f. If the vector is empty, returns false.
public macro fun any<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool
Macro function all
Whether all elements in the vector v satisfy the predicate f. If the vector is empty, returns true.
public macro fun all<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool
Macro function zip_do
Destroys two vectors v1 and v2 by calling f to each pair of elements. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. The order of elements in the vectors is preserved.
public macro fun zip_do<$T1, $T2>($v1: vector<$T1>, $v2: vector<$T2>, $f: |$T1, $T2| -> ())
Macro function zip_do_reverse
Destroys two vectors v1 and v2 by calling f to each pair of elements. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. Starts from the end of the vectors.
public macro fun zip_do_reverse<$T1, $T2>($v1: vector<$T1>, $v2: vector<$T2>, $f: |$T1, $T2| -> ())
Macro function zip_do_ref
Iterate through v1 and v2 and apply the function f to references of each pair of elements. The vectors are not modified. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. The order of elements in the vectors is preserved.
public macro fun zip_do_ref<$T1, $T2>($v1: &vector<$T1>, $v2: &vector<$T2>, $f: |&$T1, &$T2| -> ())
Macro function zip_do_mut
Iterate through v1 and v2 and apply the function f to mutable references of each pair of elements. The vectors may be modified. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. The order of elements in the vectors is preserved.
public macro fun zip_do_mut<$T1, $T2>($v1: &mut vector<$T1>, $v2: &mut vector<$T2>, $f: |&mut $T1, &mut $T2| -> ())
Macro function zip_map
Destroys two vectors v1 and v2 by applying the function f to each pair of elements. The returned values are collected into a new vector. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. The order of elements in the vectors is preserved.
public macro fun zip_map<$T1, $T2, $U>($v1: vector<$T1>, $v2: vector<$T2>, $f: |$T1, $T2| -> $U): vector<$U>
Macro function zip_map_ref
Iterate through v1 and v2 and apply the function f to references of each pair of elements. The returned values are collected into a new vector. Aborts if the vectors are not of the same length. The order of elements in the vectors is preserved.
public macro fun zip_map_ref<$T1, $T2, $U>($v1: &vector<$T1>, $v2: &vector<$T2>, $f: |&$T1, &$T2| -> $U): vector<$U>
public macro fun zip_map_ref<$T1, $T2, $U>(
$v1: &vector<$T1>,
$v2: &vector<$T2>,
$f: |&$T1, &$T2| -> $U,
): vector<$U> {
let mut r = vector[];
zip_do_ref!($v1, $v2, |el1, el2| r.push_back($f(el1, el2)));